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756 lines
* Little Smalltalk, version 3
* Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1988
* Classes dealing with objects having Magnitude
Class Magnitude Object
Class Char Magnitude value
Class Number Magnitude
Class Integer Number
Class LongInteger Integer negative digits
Class Fraction Number top bottom
Class Float Number
Class Random Object
Methods Object 'magnitude'
^ false
^ false
^ false
^ false
^ false
^ false
Methods Char 'all'
< aValue
" can only compare characters to characters "
^ aValue isChar
ifTrue: [ value < aValue asInteger ]
ifFalse: [ smalltalk error: 'char compared to nonchar']
== aValue
^ aValue isChar
ifTrue: [ value = aValue asInteger ]
ifFalse: [ false ]
^ value
" make ourselves into a string "
^ ' ' copy; at: 1 put: self
" return an integer representing our value "
self isDigit ifTrue: [ ^ value - $0 asInteger ].
self isUppercase ifTrue: [ ^ value - $A asInteger + 10 ].
^ smalltalk error: 'illegal conversion, char to digit'
^ (self isLowercase) or: [ self isUppercase ]
^ (self isAlphabetic) or: [ self isDigit ]
^ value = $ " blank char "
^ true
^ value between: $0 asInteger and: $9 asInteger
^ value between: $a asInteger and: $z asInteger
^ value between: $A asInteger and: $Z asInteger
value: aValue " private - used for initialization "
value <- aValue
^ '$', self asString
Methods Fraction 'all'
= f
f isFraction
ifTrue: [ ^ (top = f top) and: [ bottom = f bottom ] ]
ifFalse: [ ^ super = f ]
< f
f isFraction
ifTrue: [ ^ (top * f bottom) < (bottom * f top) ]
ifFalse:[ ^ super < f ]
+ f
f isFraction
ifTrue: [ ^ ((top * f bottom) + (bottom * f top)) /
(bottom * f bottom) ]
ifFalse:[ ^ super + f ]
- f
f isFraction
ifTrue: [ ^ ((top * f bottom) - (bottom * f top)) /
(bottom * f bottom) ]
ifFalse:[ ^ super - f ]
* f
f isFraction
ifTrue: [ ^ (top * f top) / (bottom * f bottom) ]
ifFalse: [ ^ super * f ]
/ f
^ self * f reciprocal
^ top abs / bottom
" convert to a floating point number "
^ top asFloat / bottom asFloat
" convert to an integer rounded towards zero "
^ top quo: bottom
^ bottom
coerce: x
" coerce a value into being a fraction "
^ x asFraction
" generality value - used in mixed type arithmetic "
^ 5
^ true
^ (top ln) - (bottom ln)
raisedTo: x
^ (top raisedTo: x) / (bottom raisedTo: x)
^ bottom / top
^ top
with: t over: b
" initialization "
top <- t.
bottom <- b
^ top printString, '/', bottom printString
Methods Float 'all'
+ value
^ value isFloat
ifTrue: [ <110 self value> " floating add " ]
ifFalse: [ super + value ]
- value
^ value isFloat
ifTrue: [ <111 self value> " floating subtract " ]
ifFalse: [ super - value ]
< value
^ value isFloat
ifTrue: [ <112 self value> " floating comparison " ]
ifFalse: [ super < value ]
= value
^ value isFloat
ifTrue: [ <116 self value> ]
ifFalse: [ super = value ]
* value
^ value isFloat
ifTrue: [ <118 self value> ]
ifFalse: [ super * value ]
/ value
^ value isFloat
ifTrue: [ (value = 0.0)
ifTrue: [ smalltalk error:
'float division by zero' ]
ifFalse: [ <119 self value> ]]
ifFalse: [ super / value ]
^ true
coerce: value
" convert the value into a floating point number "
^ value asFloat
" return e raised to self "
^ <103 self>
" our numerical generality - used for mixed mode arithmetic"
^ 7
integerPart | i j |
i <- <106 self>. j <- i basicAt: 2. i <- i basicAt: 1.
j < 0 ifTrue: [ ^ 0 ] ifFalse: [ ^ i * (2 raisedTo: j)]
" natural log of self "
^ <102 self>
^ smalltalk error: 'cannot create floats with new'
^ <101 self>
quo: value
^ (self / value) truncated
^ (self + 0.5) floor
truncated | result f i |
" truncate to an integer rounded towards zero"
f <- self. result <- 0.
[ i <- f integerPart. i > 0] whileTrue:
[ result <- result + i. f <- f - i ].
^ result
Methods Integer 'all'
+ value | r |
^ (self isShortInteger and: [value isShortInteger])
ifTrue: [ r <- <60 self value>.
"primitive will return nil on overflow"
r notNil ifTrue: [ r ]
ifFalse: [ self asLongInteger + value asLongInteger ]]
ifFalse: [ super + value ]
- value | r |
^ (self isShortInteger and: [value isShortInteger])
ifTrue: [ r <- <61 self value>.
"primitive will return nil on overflow"
r notNil ifTrue: [ r ]
ifFalse: [ self asLongInteger - value asLongInteger ]]
ifFalse: [ super - value ]
< value
^ (self isShortInteger and: [value isShortInteger])
ifTrue: [ <62 self value> ]
ifFalse: [ super < value ]
> value
^ (self isShortInteger and: [value isShortInteger])
ifTrue: [ <63 self value> ]
ifFalse: [ super > value ]
= value
^ (self isShortInteger and: [value isShortInteger])
ifTrue: [ self == value ]
ifFalse: [ super = value ]
* value | r |
^ (self isShortInteger and: [value isShortInteger])
ifTrue: [ r <- <68 self value>.
"primitive will return nil on overflow"
r notNil ifTrue: [ r ]
ifFalse: [ self asLongInteger * value asLongInteger ]]
ifFalse: [ super * value ]
/ value | t b |
value = 0 ifTrue: [ ^ smalltalk error: 'division by zero'].
value isInteger
ifTrue: [ b <- self gcd: value .
t <- self quo: b.
b <- value quo: b.
b negative
ifTrue: [ t <- t negated.
b <- b negated ].
(b = 1) ifTrue: [ ^ t ].
^ Fraction new; with: t over: b ]
ifFalse: [ ^ super / value ]
, value
" used to make long integer constants "
^ self * 1000 + value
allMask: value
" see if all bits in argument are on"
^ value = (self bitAnd: value)
anyMask: value
" see if any bits in argument are on"
^ 0 ~= (self bitAnd: value)
^ Char new; value: self
" return as character digit "
(self >= 0)
ifTrue: [ (self <= 9) ifTrue:
[ ^ (self + $0 asInteger) asCharacter ].
(self < 36) ifTrue:
[ ^ (self + $A asInteger - 10) asCharacter ] ].
^ smalltalk error: 'illegal conversion, integer to digit'
" should be redefined by any subclasses "
self isShortInteger ifTrue: [ ^ <51 self> ]
^ Fraction new ; with: self over: 1
asLongInteger | newList i |
newList <- List new.
i = 0 ifTrue: [ newList add: 0 ]
ifFalse: [ i <- self abs.
[ i ~= 0 ] whileTrue:
[ newList addLast: (i rem: 100).
i <- i quo: 100 ] ].
^ LongInteger new; sign: i negative digits: newList asArray
^ self radix: 10
bitAnd: value
^ (self isShortInteger and: [value isShortInteger])
ifTrue: [ <71 self value > ]
ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
'arguments to bit operation must be short integer']
bitAt: value
^ (self bitShift: 1 - value) bitAnd: 1
"invert all bits in self"
^ self bitXor: -1
bitOr: value
^ (self bitXor: value) bitXor: (self bitAnd: value)
bitXor: value
^ (self isShortInteger and: [value isShortInteger])
ifTrue: [ <72 self value > ]
ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
'argument to bit operation must be integer']
bitShift: value
^ (self isShortInteger and: [value isShortInteger])
ifTrue: [ <79 self value > ]
ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
'argument to bit operation must be integer']
^ (self rem: 2) = 0
^ (2 to: self) inject: 1 into: [:x :y | x * y ]
gcd: value
(value = 0) ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
(self negative) ifTrue: [ ^ self negated gcd: value ].
(value negative) ifTrue: [ ^ self gcd: value negated ].
(value > self) ifTrue: [ ^ value gcd: self ].
^ value gcd: (self rem: value)
" generality value - used in mixed class arithmetic "
^ 2
^ true
lcm: value
^ (self quo: (self gcd: value)) * value
^ smalltalk error: 'cannot create integers with new'
^ (self rem: 2) ~= 0
quo: value | r |
^ (self isShortInteger and: [value isShortInteger])
ifTrue: [ r <- <69 self value>.
(r isNil)
ifTrue: [ smalltalk error:
'quo: or rem: with argument 0']
ifFalse: [ r ]]
ifFalse: [ ^ super quo: value ]
radix: base | sa text |
" return a printed representation of self in given base"
sa <- self abs.
text <- (sa \\ base) asDigit asString.
^ (sa < base)
ifTrue: [ (self negative)
ifTrue: [ '-' , text ]
ifFalse: [ text ]]
ifFalse: [ ((self quo: base) radix: base), text ]
^ self
^ self asString
timesRepeat: aBlock | i |
" use while, which is optimized, not to:, which is not"
i <- 0.
[ i < self ] whileTrue:
[ aBlock value. i <- i + 1]
Methods LongInteger 'all'
< n | result |
n isLongInteger
ifFalse: [ ^ super < n ].
(negative == n negative) ifFalse: [ ^ negative ].
" now either both positive or both negative "
result <- false.
self with: n bitDo:
[:x :y | (x ~= y) ifTrue: [ result <- x < y]].
negative ifTrue: [ result <- result not ].
^ result
= n
n isLongInteger
ifFalse: [ ^ super = n ].
(negative == n negative) ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
^ digits = n digits
+ n | newDigits z carry |
n isLongInteger
ifFalse: [ ^ super + n ].
negative ifTrue: [ ^ n - self negated ].
n negative ifTrue: [ ^ self - n negated ].
" reduced to positive + positive case "
newDigits <- List new. carry <- 0.
self with: n bitDo:
[:x :y | z <- x + y + carry.
(z >= 100) ifTrue: [ carry <- 1. z <- z - 100]
ifFalse: [ carry <- 0 ].
newDigits addLast: z ].
carry > 0 ifTrue: [ newDigits addLast: carry ].
^ LongInteger new; sign: false digits: newDigits asArray
- n | result newDigits z borrow |
n isLongInteger
ifFalse: [ ^ super - n ].
negative ifTrue: [ ^ (self negated + n) negated ].
n negative ifTrue: [ ^ self + n negated ].
(self < n) ifTrue: [ ^ (n - self) negated ].
" reduced to positive - smaller positive "
newDigits <- List new. borrow <- 0.
self with: n bitDo:
[:x :y | z <- (x - borrow) - y.
(z >= 0) ifTrue: [ borrow <- 0]
ifFalse: [ z <- z + 100. borrow <- 1].
newDigits addLast: z ].
result <- 0. "now normalize result by multiplication "
newDigits reverseDo: [:x | result <- result * 100 + x ].
^ result
* n | result |
n isShortInteger ifTrue: [ ^ self timesShort: n ].
n isLongInteger ifFalse: [ ^ super * n ].
result <- 0 asLongInteger.
digits reverseDo:
[:x | result <- (result timesShort: 100) +
(n timesShort: x)].
negative ifTrue: [ result <- result negated ].
^ result
negative ifTrue: [ ^ self negated]
asFloat | r |
r <- 0.0 .
digits reverseDo: [ :x | r <- r * 100.0 + x asFloat].
negative ifTrue: [ r <- r negated ].
^ r.
bitShift: n
(n >= 0)
ifTrue: [ ^ self * (2 raisedTo: n) ]
ifFalse: [ ^ self quo: (2 raisedTo: n negated)]
coerce: n
^ n asLongInteger
^ digits
^ 4 "generality value - used in mixed type arithmetic "
^ true
" override method in class Integer "
^ false
^ LongInteger new; sign: negative not digits: digits
^ negative
"override restriction from class Integer"
^ self
quo: value | a b quo result |
result <- 0.
a <- self abs. b <- value abs.
[a > b] whileTrue:
[ quo <- (a asFloat quo: b). result <- result + quo.
a <- a - (b * quo) ].
^ result
sign: s digits: d
negative <- s.
digits <- d.
printString | str |
str <- negative ifTrue: [ '-' ] ifFalse: [ '' ].
digits reverseDo: [:x | str <- str ,
(x quo: 10) printString , (x rem: 10) printString ].
^ str
timesShort: value | y z carry newDigits |
y <- value abs.
carry <- 0.
newDigits <- digits collect:
[:x | z <- x * y + carry.
carry <- z quo: 100.
z - (carry * 100)].
(carry > 0) ifTrue: [ newDigits <- newDigits grow: carry ].
^ LongInteger new; sign: (negative xor: value negative)
digits: newDigits
with: n bitDo: aBlock | d di dj |
" run down two digits lists in parallel doing block "
di <- digits size.
d <- n digits.
dj <- d size.
(1 to: (di max: dj)) do: [:i |
aBlock value:
((i <= di) ifTrue: [ digits at: i] ifFalse: [0])
((i <= dj) ifTrue: [ d at: i] ifFalse: [0]) ]
Methods Magnitude 'all'
<= value
^ (self < value) or: [ self = value ]
< value
^ (self <= value) and: [ self ~= value ]
>= value
^ value <= self
> value
^ (value < self)
= value
^ (self == value)
~= value
^ (self = value) not
between: low and: high
^ (low <= self) and: [ self <= high ]
^ false
max: value
^ (self < value)
ifTrue: [ value ]
ifFalse: [ self ]
min: value
^ (self < value)
ifTrue: [ self ]
ifFalse: [ value ]
Methods Number 'all'
^ true
maxgen: value
(self isNumber and: [ value isNumber ])
ifFalse: [ ^ smalltalk error:
'arithmetic on non-numbers' ].
^ (self generality > value generality)
ifTrue: [ self ]
ifFalse: [ value coerce: self ]
+ value
^ (self maxgen: value) + (value maxgen: self)
- value
^ (self maxgen: value) - (value maxgen: self)
< value
^ (self maxgen: value) < (value maxgen: self)
= value
^ value isNumber
ifTrue: [ (self maxgen: value) = (value maxgen: self) ]
ifFalse: [ false ]
* value
^ (self maxgen: value) * (value maxgen: self)
/ value
^ (self maxgen: value) / (value maxgen: self)
// value
" integer division, truncate towards negative infinity"
" see quo: "
^ (self / value) floor
\\ value
" remainder after integer division "
^ self - (self // value * value)
^ (self < 0)
ifTrue: [ 0 - self ]
ifFalse: [ self ]
ceiling | i |
i <- self truncated.
^ ((self positive) and: [ self ~= i ])
ifTrue: [ i + 1 ]
ifFalse: [ i ]
^ self
^ self asFloat exp
floor | i |
i <- self truncated.
^ ((self negative) and: [ self ~= i ])
ifTrue: [ i - 1 ]
ifFalse: [ i ]
^ self - self truncated
^ self isLongInteger or: [ self isShortInteger ]
^ self asFloat ln
log: value
^ self ln / value ln
^ 0 - self
^ self < 0
^ self >= 0
quo: value
^ (self maxgen: value) quo: (value maxgen: self)
raisedTo: x | y |
x negative
ifTrue: [ ^ 1 / (self raisedTo: x negated) ].
x isShortInteger
ifTrue: [ (x = 0) ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ].
y <- (self raisedTo: (x quo: 2)) squared.
x odd ifTrue: [ y <- y * self ].
^ y ]
"use logrithms to do exponeneation"
ifFalse: [ ^ ( x * self ln ) exp ]
^ 1 / self
rem: value
^ self - ((self quo: value) * value)
roundTo: value
^ (self / value ) rounded * value
^ (self = 0) ifTrue: [ 0 ]
ifFalse: [ self / self abs ]
^ (self negative)
ifTrue: [ smalltalk error: 'sqrt of negative']
ifFalse: [ self raisedTo: 0.5 ]
^ self * self
^ self > 0
to: value
^ Interval new; lower: self; upper: value; step: 1
to: value by: step
^ Interval new; lower: self; upper: value; step: step
trucateTo: value
^ (self / value) trucated * value
Methods Random 'all'
between: low and: high
" return random number in given range "
^ (self next * (high - low)) + low
" convert rand integer into float between 0 and 1 "
^ (<3> rem: 1000) / 1000
next: value | list |
" return a list of random numbers of given size "
list <- List new.
value timesRepeat: [ list add: self next ].
^ list
randInteger: value
^ 1 + (<3> rem: value)
set: value
" set seed for random number generator "
<55 value>